Q: Where do the template images on this site come from?

Answer: The images on our site are collected from a variety of sources. They include scenes from publicly available movies and TV shows, and we also use images created by other generative AIs. We also register images provided directly by our users. We do our best to comply with copyright laws, but if you see an issue that we haven't caught, please let us know. If you have other content-related complaint, please contact hello@kaaw.ai and we'll take immediate action.

Q: Can I find my previously created images again?

Answer: Unfortunately, it is not possible to find previously created images again, so we recommend saving them to your local device as soon as they are created.

Q: Are the images I upload private?

Answer: The images you upload are only used for the purpose of generating AI profile pictures and are not stored on our servers, nor are they stored in the cloud. Once uploaded, the images can be applied to several templates, but they are stored temporarily in your browser and are automatically deleted the moment you close your browser, i.e. the moment your session ends.

Q: Can I use it without ads?

Answer: we're releasing an application for iOS and Android soon. These applications will have advanced features that will allow you to remove ads. We are also working on a number of additional features for your convenience, so stay tuned.

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